MEP Learner - Cylyna Aurelio

MEP Learner - Cylyna Aurelio

Posted Nov 11


For Modular E-Learning Portal learner Cylyna Aurelio, migrating to MEP was a no brainer. “In this Pandemic”, she shares, “it is safe and effective to learn online at home.”. Today she continues with her International Cuisine course in the safety of her own home and the convenience of her own time and pace.


Once again, we proudly showcase the delicious and beautiful possibilities with world-class Culinary education from Global Academy’s year-old Portal. All these, as Cylyna lives her fulfilling everydays as a wife and mother.

Impressive, Cylyna! Way to go!

Join Cylyna and the growing roster of MEP learners nationwide and all over the globe! Start your Culinary and Baking career equipped with education that is recognized FIRST in the Philippines by the World Association of Chefs Societies for Quality Culinary Education (WACS-RQCE)!


Go Global!

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