Philip Cen Rudio

Philip Cen Rudio

Posted Nov 29


No physical distance or pandemic stopped this young entrepreneur from professionalizing his baking chops! Modular E-Learning Portal (MEP) Learner Philip Cen Rudio enjoys the convenience of world-class Baking education without leaving his home and hometown Isabela.

“Global Academy's instructors are all accommodating and ready to listen to our inquiries during our lecture. (The modules and instructions) help me in my business by improving the quality of the products that I offer to the public using the lessons that I’ve learned. Global Academy encourages us to be in our best and to be creative because this industry is very demanding. Despite (the limitations of) the pandemic, the chefs are efficient and effective in teaching us the necessary lessons that we need to harness our skills as future Chefs/Bakers.”

And off Philip goes to his venture of a lifetime! We support you, Philip!

Go Global!

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