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BPA Pasig 013 and 014

Lady Lorredo
Enrollment for this course is currently closed.

The Professional Baking and Pastry Arts course is a fundamentals program made for aspiring pastry professionals. Students of this course can expect to learn all the basic techniques required in a professional pastry kitchen as they are instructed in a method that pairs intensive hands-on practice with in-depth theoretical coverage.

Here is the course outline:

Tech Run


Tech Run for Devices



This Orientation provides learners with the necessary information to maximize their learning experience in MeP. These include: Learning Responsibilities Learning Activities Course Description Equipment and Other Program Requirements Ingredient Lists and Conventions Online Code of Conduct and Other Requirements for Program Completion

Course Description and Objectives
Equipment and Other Program Requirements
Purchasing Ingredients
Suppliers Directory
Consent to Share Images and Work of Learners
Student e-Handbook
General Academic Guidelines, Policies and Procedures
Guidelines on Uniform, Grooming, Hygiene and Health
Buying Chef Uniforms
Learner Profile Completion
Code of Conduct: General Standards of Behavior, Online and On-Campus Decorum
Code of Conduct: Policies on Disciplinary Action
Conduct Score
Mock Theoretical Assessment
Mock Practical Assessment

Theoretical Assessment


Theoretical Assessment

Theoretical Assessments
M1 Theoretical Assessment: Introduction to Professional Baking
M2: Theoretical Assessment: Food Safety and Sanitation
M3 Theoretical Assessment: Product Identification 1
M4 Theoretical Assessment: Product Identification II
M5 Theoretical Assessment: Product Identification III
M6 Theoretical Assessment: Bakeshop Math
M7 Theoretical Assessment: Introduction to Yeast Doughs
M8 Theoretical Assessment: Lean Yeast Doughs
M9 Theoretical Assessment: Rich Yeast Doughs
M10 Theoretical Assessment: Quick Breads
M11 Theoretical Assessment: Cookies
M12 Theoretical Assessment: Pies and Tarts
M13 Theoretical Assessment: Puff Pastry
M14 Theoretical Assessment: Pate a Choux
M15 Theoretical Assessment: Meringues
M16 Theoretical Assessment: Custards, Puddings and Soufflés
M17 Theoretical Assessment: Basic Cakes and Cake Assembly
M18 Theoretical Assessment: Mousses. Bavarians and Frozen Desserts
M19 Theoretical Assessment: Chocolates and Confections
M20 Theoretical Assessment: Dessert Presentation

Practical Assessments


Practical Assessments

Practical Assessment Retake/Make-up Policy and Guidelines
Accomplishing Post Practical Self Assessment and Using the Editor to Upload Photos and Video
M7 On-Campus Practical Assessment - Basic Enriched Dough
M8 On-Campus Practical Assessment - Lean Yeast Doughs
M9 On-Campus Practical Assessment - Rich Yeast Doughs
M10 On-Campus Practical Assessment - Quick Breads
M11 On-Campus Practical Assessment - Cookies
M12 On-Campus Practical Assessment - Pies and Tarts
M13 On-Campus Practical Assessment - Puff Pastry
M14 On-Campus Practical Assessment - Pate a Choux
M15 On-Campus Practical Assessment - Meringues
M16 On-Campus Practical Assessment - Custards and Souffles
M17 On-Campus Practical Assessment - Basic Cakes and Cake Decorating
M18 On-Campus Practical Assessment - Chocolate Mousse
M19 On-Campus Practical Assessment - Chocolates and Confections
M20 On-Campus Practical Assessment - Plated Desserts
M9 At-Home Practical Assessment: Rich Yeast Doughs
M10 At-Home Practical Assessment: Quick Breads
M13 At-Home Practical Assessment: Puff Pastry

Modules 1 and 2


Module 1: Introduction to Professional Baking Introduction to the baking profession, as well as its history and evolution; Common professional baking equipment and mise en place (preparation for bakery production). Module 2: Food Safety and Sanitation; Kitchen Safety Introduction to Food Safety; The Flow of Food; Types of Food Hazards; Facilities Cleaning and Sanitizing; Fire Safety and First Aid; Covid 19 Precaution

The Baking Profession
Baking and Pastry Tools and Equipment
Mise En Place
Mise En Place Recipes
Module 2 Syllabus
Introduction to Food Safety
Overview of Foodborne Microorganism and Allergens
Personal Hygiene
Purchasing, Receiving and Storage
Preparation, Cooking, and Serving
Facilities: Cleaning and Sanitizing
Cleaning and Sanitizing Your Home Workspace
First Aid Basics
Fire Safety Basics
Covid-19 Precautions
End of the Module Evaluation
Module 1 Sylalbus

Modules 3 and 4


Module 3: Product Identification 1 Flours, Grains, and Starches Sugar and Other Sweeteners Leaveners, Gelling Agents and Gums Module 4: Product Identification 2 Milk and Milk Products Fats and Oils Eggs and Egg Products Nuts and Seeds

Module 3 Syllabus
Flours, Grains, and Starches
Sugar and Other Sweeteners
Leaveners, Gelling Agents and Gums
Module 4 Syllabus
Milk and Milk Products
Fats and Oils; Egg and Egg Products
Nuts and Seeds
End of the Module Evaluation

Modules 5 and 6


Module 5: Flavorings & Fruits Flavoring powders and Spices Extracts, Emulsions and other Flavoring Ingredients Fruits Module 6: Bakeshop Math Functions of Ingredients Basic unit conversion Baker's Percentages Formula Conversion Formula Costing

Module 5 Syllabus
Module 6 Syllabus
Baker's Math
Functions of Ingredients
Preparing an Action Plan
Profile Photo
End of the Module Evaluation

Understanding Flavor


This module is an introduction to the principles of taste and aroma as instrumental elements in our ability to perceive of flavor. The module also examines techniques to create and balance flavor during the cooking process.

Understanding Flavor
The Flavor Wheel

On-Campus Safety and Security

Online; Pasig

Observe these guidelines during your on-campus classes

On-Campus Safety and Security
Mask Guidelines

Modules 7 and 8

Online; Pasig

Module 7: Introduction to Yeast Doughs 12 Steps of Bread Baking Basic Bread Baking Principles Module 8: Lean Yeast Doughs Handcrafted Breads Crisp-crusted and Specialty Breads Review of Mixing Methods Use of Preferments Sourdough

Module 7: Syllabus
Basic Baking Principles: The 12 Steps of Bread Baking
Basic Enriched Dough Recipe
Honey Whole Wheat Loaf Recipe
Module 8 Syllabus
Lean Yeast Doughs
Basic Lean Dough with Preferment Recipe
Ciabatta Recipe
Focaccia and Pizza Recipes
End of the Module Evaluation

Module 9 and 10

Online; Pasig

Module 9: Rich Yeast Doughs Rich Breads and Brioche Festive and Specialty Breads Viennoiserie Module 10: Quick Breads Quick Bread Mixing Methods Use of Chemical Leaveners

Module 9 Syllabus
Viennoisserie and Laminated Doughs
IMPORTANT Guidelines for Rich Dough Formulas; Brioche and Festive Breads
Basic Yeast Laminated Dough Recipe
Shaping Techniques for Danish and Croissants
Challah Recipe
Cinnamon Raisin Loaf Recipe
Stollen Recipe
Module 10 Syllabus
Quick Breads
Quick Bread Faults and Their Causes
Banana Bread Recipe
Bacon, Herb and Cheese Scones Recipe
Sour Cream Muffins Recipe
End of the Module Evaluation

Modules 11 and 12

Online; Pasig

Module 11: Cookies Basic Mixing Techniques Make-up Methods Module 12: Pies and Tarts Pastry Basics Pie and Tart doughs Pie and Tart fillings

Module 11 Syllabus
Cookie Characteristics and Their Causes
Cookie Faults and Their Causes
Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe
Madeleines Recipe
Chocolate Almond Biscotti Recipe
Lady Fingers Recipe
Module 12 Syllabus
Pies and Tarts
Common Pie Faults and Their Causes
Flaky Pie Dough - Apple Pie Recipe
Pate Sablée - Fruit Tart Recipe
Pate Sucrée - Lemon Meringue Tart Recipe
Pate Brisée - Mushroom Quiche Recipe
End of the Module Evaluation

Modules 13 and 14

Online; Pasig

Module 13: Puff Pastry Non-Yeasted Laminated Dough Enclosing and Folding Techniques Products using Puff Pastry Module 14: Pâte à Choux Preparing basic eclair paste or Pâte à Choux (choux paste) Proper mixing and baking techniques Pastries that use Pâte à Choux

Module 13 Syllabus
Puff Pastry
Guidelines for Makeup and Baking of Puff Pastry Products
Puff Pastry Faults and Their Causes
Pâte Feuilletée (Classic Puff Pastry) Recipe
Beef and Cheese Hand Pie Recipe
Mille Feuille Recipe
Sacristains Recipe
Blitz Puff Pastry Recipe
Module 14 Syllabus
Pâte à Choux
Pâte à Choux Recipe for Eclairs and Cream Puffs
Gateau Saint Honoré Recipe
End of the Module Evaluation

Modules 15 and 16

Online; Pasig

Module 15: Meringues The three types of Meringues Guidelines for making Meringues Stages of mixing Meringue products Module 16: Custards, Puddings and Souffles Basic Types Guidelines in Making Custards Thickeners

Module 15 Syllabus
Reminder for Full Settlement of Tuition Fees
Fruit Pavlova/Vacherin Recipe
Macaron de Paris Recipe
Sansrival Recipe
Pastry Buttercream Recipe
Swiss Meringue Recipe
Italian Meringue Recipe
Swiss Meringue Buttercream Recipe
Module 16 Syllabus
Custards, Puddings and Soufflés
Guidelines When Baking Custards
Custards Faults and Their Causes
Crème Caramel Recipe
Crème Anglaise Recipe
Cheesecake with Berry Compote Recipe
Crème Brûlée Recipe
Chocolate Soufflé Recipe
End of the Module Evaluation

Modules 17 and 18

Online; Pasig

Module 17: Basic Cakes and Assembly Cake Mixing and Baking Icings and Frostings Cake Assembly Basic Decorating Techniques Introduction to European Cakes Module 18: Mousses, Bavarians, and Frozen Desserts Defining Mousses, Bavarians and Chiffons Basic Elements Classical Desserts

Module 17 Syllabus
Basic Cakes and Cake Assembly
Principles of Cake Mixing
Common Cake Faults and Their Causes
Swiss Roll (Roulade Sponge and Swiss Buttercream)
Caramel Almond Cake (Genoise sponge with Caramel Buttercream)
Rum Syrup Recipe
Angel Food Cake Recipe
Lemon Pound Cake Recipe
Pastry Buttercream Recipe
Chiffon Recipe (Birthday Cake)
Boiled Icing (Italian Meringue) Recipe
Module 18 Syllabus
Mousses, Bavarians and Frozen Desserts
Chocolate Mousse Recipe
Brandy Snaps Recipe
Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe
Raspberry Sorbet Recipe
Tiramisu Charlotte
End of the Module Evaluation

Module 19 and 20

Online; Pasig

Module 19: Chocolates and Confections History and Agriculture Production Tempering Methods Module 20: Dessert Presentation Components of a Plated Dessert Guidelines Basic Candy Techniques Chocolate and Confections - Products

Module 19 Syllabus
Chocolate and Confections
Tempering Chocolate
Chocolate Faults and Their Causes
Chocolate Truffle Recipe
Knackerli Recipe
Basic Chocolate Garnishes
Chocolate Marshmallow Recipe
Module 20 Syllabus
Dessert Presentation
Molten Chocolate Cake Recipe
Shortbread Crumble Recipe
Raspberry Coulis Recipe
Tuile Recipe
Modern Dessert Presentation Samples
End of the Module Evaluation

Student e-Clearance

Our e-Clearance module simplifies the clearance process for students. It provides a list of tasks and requirements, allows students to track their progress, and submit necessary forms and documentation electronically. You can communicate easily with relevant departments and receive real-time updates on the status of your clearance.

Secure your e-Clearance
Enrollment Status
Maintenance Department
Academic Department
Finance Department
Pending Obligations Dropbox


The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

Global Academy Certificate in Professional Baking & Pastry Arts
Student Clearance Form Certificate-F2F
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